The Erlenmeyer Flask – The X-Files Season One DVD Six

The X-Files Season One DVD Six – The Erlenmeyer Flask

This maybe one of the most popular episodes of the X-Files.

This is the last episode of the first season of the X-Files. It is a defining point in the X-Files series. Also, it is a classic and favorite of many fans.

Mulder gets a tip from Deep Throat to watch a new bulletin on TV. After seeing the newscast and checking the crime scene, Mulder is still not able to come up with why it is important. There is not even a good reason for the man to have been chased in the first place.

The police had chased a man in a car. After a brief fight with the cops the man jumps into the water of the harbor. One policeman is sure he shot the man before he jumped. He had also tasered the man just before. The police were unable to find the man’s body in the water.

Mulder discovers that the car impounded by the police is not the car in the news report. Someone has switched the car. They find the real owner of the car. He is a scientist working with monkeys. He has no information for them. Scully has doubts about Deep Throats desire to help. Deep Throat is waiting at Mulder’s home wondering why Mulder has given up to easy. He tells Mulder that he has never been closer. Closer to what?

“Trust me” – Deep Throat

The scientist is killed later that night. While investigating, Mulder and Scully find an Erlenmeyer flask labeled “purity control.” The substance inside is unknown when it is tested, but seems to be possibly extraterrestrial.

Mulder finds a lab where humans seem to be living in tanks under water. Is it cloning?

Mulder is eventually kidnapped. Deep Throat helps Scully get access to an alien embryo to trade it for Mulder. Deep Throat is killed at the exchange.

The end of this episode ends with the Cigarette Smoking Man putting the alien embryo in storage in the pentagon. It is eerily like the end of he pilot episode.

The conspiracy becomes the real evil that Mulder and Scully must fight in the X-Files. This is a pivotal episode. Lots of lies within lies. This episode of the X-Files is worth the price of the entire season alone.

“Trust no one” – Deep Throat